Exploring Pre-Columbian Art

The Maya

An Enigmatic Civilization?

The Maya civilization, one of the most fascinating and enigmatic in ancient history, thrived for over 2,000 years in Central America. The Maya left behind an impressive legacy, including monumental architectural achievements, a complex system of writing, advancements in astronomy and mathematics, and a culture rich in traditions and beliefs. In this article, we will explore the different facets of the Maya civilization, from its mysterious origins to its decline, including its social organization, religion, and artistic accomplishments.

Origins and Expansion:

The Maya civilization originated in the region that encompasses present-day Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. The earliest evidence of the Maya dates back to around 2000 BCE, with the first village settlements[1]. Over the centuries, the Maya developed sophisticated agriculture based on maize, beans, and squash. Thanks to this agricultural prosperity, their population rapidly increased, leading to the emergence of independent city-states and rival kingdoms.

Social and Political Organization:

The Throne of Maya Kings Rediscovered [2]

The Maya society was hierarchical, with a ruling class composed of kings and nobles, followed by a priestly class and specialized artisans. The majority of the population consisted of farmers who collectively worked the lands. Each city-state was governed by a king, who was seen as a representative of the gods and wielded absolute power. The Maya were also known for their complex writing system, primarily used by scribes and priests.

Figure 1: Bas-relief of the Maya king Pakal in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico [3]
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Religion and Beliefs:

Figure 2: Maize God emerging from a Maya flower, 7th-9th century [4]

Religion played a central role in the lives of the Maya. They worshipped a multitude of gods and goddesses associated with aspects of nature, astronomy, agriculture, and daily life. The Maya performed rituals and offerings to appease the gods and ensure the prosperity of their communities. Maya temples and pyramids served as both places of worship and astronomical observatories, allowing priests to monitor celestial movements and establish an accurate calendar.

Figure 3: Ship with the Resurrection of the Maya Maize God, 7th-8th century [5]
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Artistic and Architectural Achievements:

The Maya were accomplished artists and architects. Their cities were adorned with magnificent temples, pyramids, palaces, and ball courts. Maya sculptures and bas-reliefs depicted scenes from daily life, deities, religious ceremonies, and epic battles. Maya pottery was also highly developed, featuring intricate patterns and realistic depictions of flora and fauna.

Figure 4: Temple of Kukulcan [6]

Maya temples were imposing structures built to honor the gods and serve as places of worship. The Temple of Kukulcan in Chichen Itza, one of the most famous Maya sites, is an impressive example of Maya architecture. It consists of a step pyramid with a series of platforms and temples at the top. During the equinoxes, the play of light and shadows creates the illusion of a serpent descending along the pyramid’s staircase, symbolizing the god of resurrection, Kukulcan.

Figure 5: The feathered serpent depicted at Xochicalco [7]

Maya palaces were residential and administrative complexes where leaders and nobles resided. The Palace of Palenque, located in the present-day Mexican state of Chiapas, is a remarkable example of Maya palatial architecture. It features interior courtyards, lavishly decorated halls, and carved bas-reliefs depicting scenes of royal court and rituals.

Figure 6: Pre-Hispanic city and national park of Palenque (Mexico) [8]
Author: Martin Gray
Copyright: © Sacred sites

Maya ball courts were sacred spaces where ritual competitions took place. Maya ballgame was an important and symbolic activity, associated with religious rituals and cosmological representations. The ball courts were often flanked by imposing structures and detailed engravings. The largest Maya ball court is located in Chichen Itza and measures approximately 168 meters in length.

Figure 7: Goal, ball court of Chichen Itza [9]

Maya sculpture was an important means of artistic expression. The Maya created stone sculptures depicting deities, rulers, and high-ranking individuals. Maya statues were often polychrome, painted with vibrant colors and intricate details. Maya sculptures are characterized by their naturalism, capturing distinctive features of faces and clothing.

Figure 8: Maya sculpture from southern Mexico, built by the Maya culture hundreds of years ago [10]

Maya pottery was another art form developed with expertise. Maya potters created ceramics of various shapes, including vases, bowls, and figurines. The complex patterns on Maya pottery often depict scenes from daily life, religious ceremonies, animals, and plants. Maya ceramics were often polychrome, utilizing a rich and varied color palette.

Figure 9: Maya vase, end of the Classic period, circa 550-950, ceramic, H. 13 cm. This complex Maya scene depicts an event from the Creation era and a ritual to call for rain. The main characters are Hun Ajaw, seated on a massive cushion adorned with three crossed motifs, and Itzamna, sitting cross-legged on a jaguar fur cushion. [11]
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The artistic and architectural achievements of the Maya civilization testify to their great technical skill and aesthetic sensibility. Their imposing temples, magnificent palaces, sacred ball courts, and detailed sculptures are evidence of the ingenuity and creativity of the Maya.

Figure 10: Temple of Kukulcan [12]

The Maya created a rich artistic heritage by depicting scenes of daily life, mythological deities, religious rituals, and epic battles in their sculptures and bas-reliefs. The naturalism and intricate details present in their works testify to their ability to capture the beauty and complexity of the world that surrounded them.

Figure 11: Painted vase, Chama style 700-850 AD. Lombards Museum Lombards Museum — Personal work Maya Vase, 700-850 [13]

Maya pottery was also an important form of artistic expression. Maya potters produced ceramics with complex patterns and vibrant colors, depicting aspects of their culture, natural environment, and beliefs. Maya ceramics are not only utilitarian objects but also works of art that reflect their aesthetic and artistic sensibility.

Figure 12: Four-legged bowl with lid featuring a paddler and peccaries [14]
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Maya architecture is another remarkable aspect of their civilization. Maya temples, pyramids, palaces, and ball courts demonstrate their ability to conceive and construct monumental structures. The elaborate architectural forms and intricate details present in their constructions testify to their advanced understanding of mathematics and astronomy, as well as their deep relationship with the cosmos and deities.

Figure 13: Maya Codex [15]

Writing System and Scientific Advancements:

The Maya developed one of the most advanced writing systems in pre-Columbian America. Their writing consisted of complex glyphs representing sounds, words, and concepts. Maya scribes used codices, folded books made of bark paper or amate, to record historical, astronomical, and religious information. With their vigesimal mathematical system, based on the number 20, the Maya made significant advancements in mathematics, including the invention of the concept of zero.

Figure 14: Codex Maya [16]

Decline and Mysteries:

By the 9th century, many Maya urban centers began to be abandoned, and the great architectural achievements were gradually left in ruins. The exact reasons for the collapse of the Maya civilization are still the subject of debate among researchers. Factors such as ongoing warfare, depletion of natural resources, internal political conflicts, and environmental disasters have been put forth as possible hypotheses.

The Maya civilization has left a lasting legacy in the history of humanity. Their artistic, architectural, and scientific achievements attest to their sophistication and ingenuity. Although the Maya experienced a mysterious decline, their culture continues to intrigue and fascinate researchers around the world. The study of the Maya civilization allows us to better understand the social, religious, and intellectual developments that have shaped our modern world. The Maya remain to this day a remarkable testimony to the richness and diversity of ancient civilizations.

[1] Histoire pour tous, Les Mayas, une civilisation mystérieuse, 23 février 2023.

URL : https://www.histoire-pour-tous.fr/civilisations/3277-la-civilisation-maya.html

[2] National Geographic, Le trône des rois mayas retrouvé, 30 octobre 2019.

URL : https://www.nationalgeographic.fr/video/tv/le-trone-des-rois-mayas-retrouve

[3] Image from the website:

URL: https://www.alamyimages.fr/bas-relief-du-roi-maya-pakal-a-palenque-chiapas-mexique-image413723692.html

[4] « God of Corn Emerging from a Flower, » Metropolitan Museum.

URL: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/312915

[5] « Ship with the Rebirth of the Maya God of Corn 7th-8th century, » Metropolitan Museum.

URL: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/854902

[6] Image from Pinterest.

URL: https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/694680311244426226/

[7] Nuevo Mundo Voyages, Connaitre le Serpent à Plumes avant de voyager au Mexique,

URL : https://www.nuevomundo.fr/mexique/article-mexique/51/connaitre-le-serpent-a-plumes-avant-de-voyager-au-mexique

[8] Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque, UNESCO.

URL: https://whc.unesco.org/fr/list/411/gallery/

[9] Kåre Thor OlsenBut, terrain de balle de Chichen Itza, publié le 15 septembre 2013

URL : https://www.worldhistory.org/image/1427/goal-ball-court-of-chichen-itza/

[10] « Maya Sculpture in Southern Mexico, Built by the Maya Culture for Hundreds of Years. »

URL: https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-la-sculpture-maya-du-sud-du-mexique-construit-par-la-culture-maya-des-centaines-d-annees-52620772.html

[11] Collect Art Antiques Auction, « Maya Ceramics. »

URL: https://collectaaa.be/fr/home-fr/la-ceramique-maya/

[12] Image from Pinterest.

URL: https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/488499890831293828/

[13] Image from Wikipedia.

URL: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_maya#/media/Fichier:


[14] « Tetrapod Bowl with Lid featuring a Paddler and Peccaries, » Metropolitan Museum.

URL: https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2022/gods-divinity-maya-art/exhibition-objects#

[15] Image from the website:

URL: https://www.abc-latina.com/civilisations/photos/photos-codex-mayas.php

[16] Image from the website:

URL: https://www.abc-latina.com/civilisations/photos/photos-codex-mayas.php

I am French, so please excuse any potential mistakes in English

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